
A tumor necrosis factor (TNF)inhibitor drugs are anti-inflammatory drugs that block the inflammatoryresponse to tumor necrosis factor; it is a protein found in our bodies. Tumornecrosis factor (TNF) inhibitor drugs are produced by tumors and are a potentnegative inflammatory agent that contributes to auto-immune diseases. AnFDA-approved drug called Humira was approved to treat patients with TNF-relatednecrotizing cancer. The anti-TNF antibodies are produced by the B-cells of theblood. The word "biological response" simply refers to the actions ofa cell towards an external stimulus. Biochemical responses occur within thebody at various levels and in multiple organ systems. When TNF is released intothe environment, it causes inflammation that can spread to other cells and canalso cause damage to neighboring tissues. There are various types ofbioflavonoids available for the treatment of TNF-related auto-immune diseases.
Enbrel is one of the most widely usedtumornecrosis factor (TNF) inhibitor drugs in the U.S. and Europe. It has anamazing safety profile, with no reported side effects except those related to allergies.It was originally marketed to treat sepsis (severe acute respiratory distresssyndrome) in patients with severe liver disease. It was later found to behighly effective in treating many other inflammatory conditions, includingrheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, herpes, shingles, ulcerative colitis, andseveral forms of cancer. It is administered via the vein for injection into thearea affected by inflammation. Humira is another of the commonly prescribed TNFinhibitors. It has been shown to be effective in the control of seriousinflammatory conditions like multiple sclerosis and arthritis. These includeCrohn's disease, psoriasis, Sjogren's disease, and ulcerative colitis. It isused for the purpose of reducing symptoms of these and other diseases in thetreatment of those conditions.
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