
Apple is a well-known company but not everything known about Apple is right. No matter how famous Apple company is, you must not believe everything you heard about it, but if Isay, most of the stuff people told you or you find on the internet is wrong.
Some stuff is just spread by haters to defame the company and some are just the assumptions of random people. Things on the internet spread like fire, that’s why I often say, don’t trust anything you find on the internet because they are random people, not professionals who are giving you information.
When it comes to myths, the internet made it simple and faster to spread any myth. In old times, it takes years to spread myths and centuries for these myths to deeply rooted in society. But now, the thing is very changes, you can spread weird myths about anything through the internet and in a matter of days, everybody starts believing it. The same thing happens with Apple, no matters you love it or hate it, you simply can’t ignore it. Being one of the big brands in the market, the news about Apple spread like fire.
Well, people say a lot about Apple on internet, such as Apple users share their experience about the products of this company, some legends formed by misinformation and some my ths are intentional to spread it in the masses.
Every other day fake news about Apple break the internet that makes this company more controversial. In this article, I am going to break some most commonly known mythologies about Apple company and try to make their image clear to you.
Below are some widely known legends about Apple.
Apple Take Full Night toCharge
The internet is loaded with the customers' reviews about the battery issues of Apple. You can also find the stories about the battery heat up and explosions. People also said that the battery of iPhones is no delicate that a bit overcharging result in defects in battery and charger of the iPhone. You may have heard that use think covers on mobiles, so radiation emitting from phones would not affect your health.
Do you also believe of the stuff about Apple battery issues?
If yes, then you are believing a myth spread by haters. Of course, overcharging of your phone is not good for your battery in the long run and it can shorten the lifespan of batteries. Don’t worry it would not explode or burn if you charge it overnight. No real customers have these issues with new Apple devices, most of the times reviews are paid, where people paid by rivals to talk bad about a company and make their customers feel conscious while buying any product.
So, don’t believe everything you saw on the internet, instead, you should ask real customers about the product. Nothing would happen if you change your mobile overnight.But, try to plug off the charger as soon as the charging is complete.
Apple Phone Become SlowWhen Not Upgrade
I don’t know where all of this stuff starts from. Like seriously, people have enough to spread rumor slike this, that not even seem logical.
It is an old and odd rumor that keep slowing down their older devices to force their customers to buy the new ones. That’s ridiculous and stupid. This is not how wise companies work, and you cannot expect this from a visionary company like Apple.
We all know Apple for a company that care a lot of customers and very much concerned with the users’experience, how they can even think of doing this silly thing. And if the old devices become slower, I never encourage the customers to buy a new device from the same brands.
Instead, Apple company makes a conscious effort to optimize the experience of their customers, throughout the lifespan of phones. These kinds of rumors start getting fire when there is a new apple product in the market. You can call it competitor sticks to defame a company to steal their customers. Anything you hear about Apple devices slowing down is a rumor and you better don’t believe this. Thes pare parts of Apple devices also available in the market that shows this company also encourages online mobile repair in case of any damage, for example just like Oppo phone repair Lahore and MacBook repair Lahore, you can also find the repairing shops for Apple, to resolve your issues related to Apple products.
Apple Can’t Get Viruses!
I know this is a positive statement about the company, but it is not true either. I am guessing that this myth is formed by Apple loyal customers and fans. I don’t know why Apple fans think that Apple is perfect and it makes the products without any possible issue.
Apple doesn’t have to spread these fake new about their products because this company not even market the real benefits of the iPhone. Most of the online contact created by Apple is user generated, where people give reviews about apple products or unboxing them. Sometimes Apple users exaggerate the things to get traffic around, it is not the case the company paid them to do so. Apple doesn’t believe in playing politics, they just believe in doing business around their vision.
Some people may give you the logic behind it like Apple operating systems iOS is closed that prevent all sorts of malware. Of course, Apple makes sure that all the apps included in the Apple Store are reliable, but there are still chances for infected apps that can result in malware getting into your devices.
Apple is continuously working in their apps and keep removing all the apps creating fuss for the customers. So, don’t be over-optimistic about Apple products because they do have malware and are also susceptible to network attacks.
If you are currently having any issues related to virus or malware, you can go to any Apple Store in Lahore to get some guidance and assistance from the staff.
Apple Create their Apps
Most of you may have thinking till now that Apple company create their own apps for Apple Store. This thing actually not good for Apple reputation, if you are thinking this because Apple think of Apple as a creditable and reliable company and anything made by this company would be trustable. When any app in the App Store is not working well, it directly attacks the credibility of Apple because you think Apple created it.
Let me make one thing clear to you, Apple doesn’t create all of its App Store, although Apple makes sure all apps are mobile friendly and adding value to their customers' lives. Apple also recently eliminate many apps from its App Store because they seem more vulnerable to attacks.
So, next time if any of your Apple app malfunctions or result in malware, you better not blame Apple for this because they are already working hard to remove annoying apps that can cause hard to your device and mend the ways for malware.
Airpods Can Cause Cancer
It’s another debate whether Airpods and any other headphones are good for your health or not, but calling them the cause of cancer is unfair.
I don’t know why health article writers love to declare everything cancerous that can cause damage to your health. Like what evidence you have? Are you a health researcher? No, you are just a writer and you are not allowing to claim anything related to health that you have no proof.
I know there are many types of research made on the use of wireless phones and their impact on your health but there is no clear evidence that they can actually cause cancer.
Again, this myth is so deep-rooted that people start taking it for real. Almost all electronic devices emit some magnetic rays and radiation that is not good for human health and it goes with all electronic devices. It is now proved that the amount of SARAirpods emit is very low to be dangerous.
There is no solid evidence that they are not bad for health, but they don’t cause cancer for sure.
Apple Spy on Their Users
When it heard this myth, the first question comes to my mind is, “why they have to do this?” well, why not? By spying on their users, they can learn about their interests, preferences and usability of products.
Just like the case of Facebook become controversial about misusing their user’s data. Apple products are also being notorious for spying on users. Apple has deprived of all the claims of spying by giving some logical justifications. So, you better don’t worry because nobody is spying on you.