
Tin Chloride, also referred to as called black oxide, is a transparent, translucent white crystalline compound. Tin Chloride forms a very strong dry deodorizer but aqueous solutions usually undergo hydrolysis most especially when hot. The drying properties of Tin Chloride make it useful as an oxidizing agent and as an antifungal agent. It has also been shown to have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. Tin Chloride belongs to the category of heavy metals and is known as a reducing agent for nickel and copper.
A thin transparent film of tin ions on steel is known as galvanic corrosion. This process causes damage to metal alloys such as stainless steel. In addition to corrosion, tin chloride has a high resistance to acid attacks. It is therefore used in the production of rubber tires and in friction stir welding. It also finds use as a coating on stainless steel and in stabilizing oil-powered engines. One of the most common uses of tin chloride is as an oxidizing agent. It has the ability to react with ferric oxides to form tin ions (III) and ferrous ions (II). When these two ions come into contact with each other they form a new alloy that is more stable than its constituent base material. Tin compounds are mainly synthesized in the lab by combining tin with oxygen in a catalyst. The results of this reaction are blue-colored alloy metals.
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