
Hearing protection devices, alsocalled HDD, are ear protective devices worn over or in the inner ears to helpprevent hearing damage caused by exposure to loud noise. HDDs reduce the levelof noise penetrating into the inner ear by a certain level. It's important tounderstand that this level is different than the maximum level of sound thatcan be heard. This means that there are some HDDs that are louder than others.When exposed to loud noises, people can experience hearing loss for severalreasons. Some causes of hearing loss include being exposed to factory sounds,being exposed at concerts, and constant exposure to loud rock music. Otherthings that can cause hearing loss include aging (the wearing out of themicroscopic hair cells on the inside of the ear), continuous exposure to loudmachinery (explosions, severe vibrations, etc.), listening to too much rockmusic, listening to the news too loudly, and the use of headphones, earbuds,and other communication tools that are not tightly secured, which can lead to ahearing loss.
There are two primary types of U.S.hearing protection devices. The first type is ear muffs. Earmuffs aresmall and disposable. Muffles fit directly into the canal of the inner ear andcover the outer ear and the ears themselves. They prevent the sound waves frombouncing around the outer ear and stimulating the nerves. The other type ofU.S. hearing protection device is called noise attenuation. Noise attenuationworks by reducing the amount of noise the wearer experiences. There are anumber of different noise attenuating ear muffs and plugs available forpurchase. These products typically work by reducing the amount of time thewearer must endure hearing damaging noise, and they also reduce any noise thatis emitted by the device into the environment.
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