
One form of kidney replacementtherapy is dialysis. Dialysis is a treatment that substitutes kidney functionby removing excess fluid from the body and filtering it. There are two forms ofdialysis, namely dialysis over blood and dialysis over a vein. Dialysis is usedto prevent blood clots from forming in veins and arteries, thus preventingblood flow and causing strokes. Dialysis may be required for patients with poorkidney function, kidney disease, or patients undergoing major surgery such asheart bypass surgery, kidney transplant, or for patients with chronic kidneydisease.
Dialysis can be either hemodialysisor ultrasound-directed dialysis. In hemodialysis, the patient's urine isfiltered using a filter and passed through a dialysis machine that separatesthe uric acid from the other solutes in the urine. The result is then separatedinto oxalate and phosphate, which are further processed and stored in aseparate container. The demand for reliable ITsolution for dialysis to track such information has created a nichemarket for IT professionals, who are hired by hospitals to provide thisfunctionality. Furthermore, the large amounts of information required fordialysis treatments and the strict standards required to keep these recordsaccurate and up to date create a competitive edge for this industry. Thedialysis treatment process is highly technical, requiring trained professionalsto interpret the medical records, collect and organize data, and preparereports and other documentation. As dialysis centers expand and offer moreservices, the need for IT solution for dialysis has become greater
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