
Dental caries, also called dentaldecay, are the result of a bacterial breakdown of the tooth's tooth enamel.This breakdown is primarily the result of poor oral hygiene practices, such asneglecting to brush teeth after meals and during snacks. However, caries mayalso occur due to prolonged exposure to certain materials, such as fluoride inwater. Foods, which may also be responsible for dental caries, include garlic,spices, onions, coffee, tea, spices, tobacco, and cheese. Dental caries canlead to other problems, such as gum disease and periodontal diseases.
Dental cavities or dental decay, moregenerally referred to as tooth abscesses, occur when an infected tooth becomesso damaged that it must be removed. Abscesses are filled with either a liquidsubstance or a solidifier such as a salt or sugar solution. Furthermore, theyare frequently filled with pus, which serves as a source of nourishment for theroot canal bacteria. This root canal infection usually occurs in children,although some adults may contract it as well.
Tooth decay, while not technically atype of dentalcaries occurs when the bacteria in the mouth begin to multiply andconsume the tooth surface's organic material, or dentin. A cavity occurs whenthis happens. Tooth decay is associated with many different types of dentalproblems, including periodontal disease, poor dental hygiene, and tooth loss. Inaddition to tooth decay and cavities, tooth loss can also occur as a result oftooth injury, a lack of tooth material between teeth, and other factors. All ofthese conditions, when left untreated, can lead to tooth loss, which canfurther compromise the teeth and make them susceptible to further decay.
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