
SyntheticZeolite is a type of limestone that is created through the chemical reactionsbetween titanium and silver. Silver is used as a catalyst in the processbecause it gives off electrons that bond with oxygen molecules in the titaniumion and therefore create a new substance called zeolite. The new substance ismuch like an igneous rock that is formed when magma meets rock. Because of itsporous structure, zeolite can release a large amount of water vapor when it isexposed to air. Water vapor is a great source of energy for electricitygeneration in the environment.
It(also called natural zeolite or syntheticzeolite is a group of calciumcarbonate minerals with unique properties of both energy treatment and waterpurification. They are chemically similar to other minerals. It was the studyof their structural relationships, i.e., the electrical and optical propertiesthat enabled the identification of the elements on the periodic table. Becauseof the structure of the pore structure in natural zeolite, high conductivity,high solubility, and low molecular weight are achieved. The combination ofthese unique features makes it a great alternative to natural seawater for usein applications requiring high-performance capabilities.
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