
Surgical lighting system, or surgical lighting, is a medicaldevice intended to assist a medical personnel during a surgical procedure byilluminating a local area or cavity of the patient. The system is an integral part of thehealthcare settings; provide illumination that assists surgeons to viewsurgical site. Several types of surgical lighting system available in themarket, such as wall mounted surgical lights, surgical headlights, mobilesurgical lights, and ceiling mounted surgical lights. The light source plays animportant role in surgical lighting system for proper illumination. There arethree types of lamps commonly used in operating theatre environments, such as LightEmitting Diodes (LED), Gas Discharge, and Incandescent.
Incandescent and gas discharge lamps have traditionally beenthe main lamp types, utilizing halogen, tungsten, xenon, and quartz. Surgical lighting system is widelyused during surgeries and invasive medical procedures. Lighting is an integralpart of healthcare infrastructure, as it is widely used in intensive care unit,wards, operation theatres, and in other healthcare settings. In healthcaresettings, the system is widely by surgeons for endoscopic surgery,neurosurgery, dental surgery, and optical surgery. Moreover, surgical lampsoptimally provide bright high-intensity and shadow-free lighting that helpsvisualize low-contrast and small objects within the body cavity during surgicalprocedures.
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