
Thestethoscope is used for different medical procedures for hearing and listeningto the heartbeat. The stethoscope has two main parts: the probe, which isattached to the earpieces and the mask, which sits on the stethoscope base.With the help of these two parts, a doctor can clearly hear all the differentnoises produced inside the body. Stethoscopes are highly important in thedetection of heart problems and lung infections. Even though stethoscopes canbe found in hospitals
Thegrowing prevalence of the chronic disease is a key factor driving the growth ofthe stethoscope market. The stethoscope has been used by doctors for decadesand it plays a crucial role in monitoring the overall function of the body. Therise in prevalence of the cardiovascular and pulmonary disease is again fuelingthe growth of the stethoscope market. According to the World HealthOrganization, around 65 million people suffer from chronic obstructivepulmonary disease (COPD), and 3 million die from it each year, making it thethird leading cause of death worldwide. About 334 million people suffer fromasthma, the most common chronic disease of childhood affecting 14% of allchildren globally. Moreover, the growing geriatric population around the globeis again increasing the prevalence of chronic disease which is furtheraugmenting the growth of the stethoscope market.
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