
Staffing Myth Busters: Know what is right or not.
Staffing Myth Busters: Know what is right or not
Industries all around the globe hire agencies and third-party payroll companies that help them fulfill their staffing requirements. However, there are quite many misleading myths circulating in the industry that disrupt the functioning of both the job seekers and companies as people start believing in me.
To gain a competitive edge over all the other companies in the industrial sector, it is important to understand the relevant facts about Staffing solutions! To understand these facts, you must correct these misconceptions. Let’s debunk some of the most popular myths and ensure that the message that reaches you is credible and has a reasonable backing to it.
Debunking myths about Staffing Solutions:
Myth: Paying Fees for Staffing Services
Fact: Job seekers do not pay any money to staffing agencies
As a job seeker, you are not supposed to pay any sort of fee to any recruiter. Staffing solutions are paid for by the companies that hire them to find the best talent from a large pool of networks. It is in the best interest of both the company that hires him and the recruiter to find you a role that fits you the best so that you can add value to the employer! Instead, these recruiters make sure that you get the best offer through their experience and expertise. If you have a professional recruiter advocating for you, you will end up with a better package with both the parties involved with their additional negotiating power. HR staffing solutions provide you with the best industry-specific staffing solution that is essential for building the manpower you desire.
Myth: Staffing Solutions Only Provide Hiring for Temporary Positions
Fact: Staffing agencies hire for a range of positions
Staffing agencies hire nearly 17 million temporary and contract employees each year. Of that number, 76 percent work full time, comparable to the overall workforce of 82%. Furthermore, 35 percent of job seekers hired through staffing solutions are offered a permanent position by the company. (Source: American Staffing Association)
Staffing agencies provide temporary hiring services to fulfill the short-term demands of an organization. Based on that employee is hired for long-term and short-term projects or positions for a fixed term set by the company. After which the company decides whether to retain the employee or not after the completion of the recruited employee’s tenure.
Often candidates fear working for a staffing agency for the same reason because they feel it is a temporary role but this is almost the same for any job field you might enter into.
Myth: You Get Paid Less If You go through a Staffing Agency
Fact: Whether you go on through your research or through a staffing agency, you will be paid the same.
There is this wide misconception that staffing agencies end up taking a “cut” or commission from the salary that is being offered to a candidate that they recommend to the companies. This misconception has led to the belief that employees will earn less than they would have had they applied on their own. However, companies are the ones paying staffing agencies for their services so there is nothing that goes to them out of your salary!
Myth: Agencies provide their services only to help entry-level job seekers.
Fact: This is a huge misconception that people have started to believe! Staffing solutions provide services for all levels and fields.
They get a targeted assessment from the companies that have hired them to fill a variety of roles for a number of different industries. We fill roles for experienced and manager-level professionals as well as new job seekers by providing clarity on what skills, certifications, and training are needed for specific opportunities.
Myth: Agencies do not help you attain a job satisfactory role.
Fact: 9 out of 10 said staffing services had made them more employable. (Source: American Staffing Association)
The truth is dissatisfied workers do not stay at a job for too long, thus creating a poor relationship between the agency and the employer as well as the agency and the employer as they keep shifting jobs. At the end of the day, the final turnover is expensive! This is why staffing solutions are in the business of knowing and they know the patterns and trends of corporations. They know the vacancies for the positions even before it is being marketed due to their Intel. Their service is to get you a job and keep you employed!
YOMA ensures that our Staffing Solutions are seamless by providing expert industrial staffing solutions for your organization. Besides the industrial staffing, YOMA realizes the skill gap in work experience and graduation. To fill in these skill gaps, they provide extensive on-the-job training as well as classroom learning through apprenticeship programs. Read More!