
There's nothing worse than trying to fall asleep whenyou're overheated. And although investing in Best Cooling Pillow bed sheets can make a big difference, the typeof pillow you're using is also important.
Whether you naturally run hot, are going throughmenopause, or are simply trying to stay cool in a bedroom without airconditioning, night sweats can prevent you from getting enough shut-eye—whichin turn can take a serious toll on your health. He recommends choosing a bamboopillow that has a shredded latex filling or a gel pillow if you don't mind theheavier texture.
One Type To Avoid? "I Don'tLike The Gel Pads That You Place Across A Cooling Pillow," He Says."It Feels Like You Are Sleeping On A Magazine."
By infusing the memory foam filling withcooling gel and opting for a bamboo-based pillow encasing, Coop Home createdthe perfect design to keep you sweat-free until morning. There are countless cooling pillows on the market, but ChristopherWinter, MD, medical director of Martha Jefferson Hospital Sleep Medicine Centerand author of the upcoming book The Sleep Solution, says not all are createdequal.
And if all the small details—a washablecover, hypoallergenic cooling pillows materials, and eco-friendly fabric—don’tadd up for you, you have 100 days to return.
Every element of this pillow is created with cooling inmind: The foam is infused with gel, the pillow is ventilated for airflow, andthe outer sweat-wicking cover disperses body heat. A good choice for side andback sleepers thanks to its gusseted sides, the plush pick is also naturallyhypoallergenic and resistant to dust mites.