
Social media marketing | Soulcreationz
Soul Creationz is a Digital marketing agency that helps customers to boost traffic to their online and offline business with Integrated Marketing.
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Basically, I see this as PR scenario planning 101. Any time a company plans to launch a campaign like this, they should really sit down and consider how customers might react. Think about best case scenario (Awesome! This is so great! I love Mtn Dew!), and then think about worst case scenario–and everything in between (You’re killing Bob Ross all over again!).
Brands need to consider these scenarios, because they’re playing out in front of our eyes every single week. Think about Hasbro’s recent announcement about Mr. & Mrs. Potato Head—think that went as planned? They announced it during an earnings call! They were expecting huge positive buzz! And, what they got instead was a PR/reputation disaster.
This is Social media marketing in 2021. Marketing to an angry, frustrated and emotional customer base.
Let the scenario planning begin!
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Add: C-10-1., Block C , Level 12, Menara Uncang Emas, Jalan Loke Yew, 55200
Email: nithisoul
Call: +60123523880