
The art of massage therapy, particularly the ones involving sensual massage strokes, often takes a backseat when it comes to getting intimate. There is no denying that we are trying our best to overcome the hustle and bustle of our daily life, but tension and stress go hand in hand. If you are longing for an exciting, adventurous and sensual massage journey for yourself and your partner, you have landed at the right place. The following points will ensure you perform the best sensual Nuru massage on your partner. Keep reading to know more:
Work on the room’s ambience:
Opting for a Nuru massage in London enables you to work on your room's ambience. At first, you need to ensure that the room where you will be performing the massage is ambient and comfortable. The environment needs to be cleaned and comfortable for both partners to make the most of the massage session. Try to comply with the partner's request, and if they feel uncomfortable about the music settings, for the amount of light so that your focus is more on the intimate senses.
Go slow, do not rush:
Try to choose the best masseuse to avail of sensual Nuru massage in London. When the muscles have warmed up and relaxed, try to gradually increase the pressure you were applying initially. You need to massage your partner's shoulder and neck using your thumb and four fingers. Always bear in mind that you want to follow the flow of the muscles, so do not work against them and pay attention to what pressure points your partner is responding to.
Lightly graze the more sensitive areas:
You will get to explore your erogenous zones in Nuru massage in London. During the sexy massage, it is advisable to rub down each part of your partner's body and be gentle as your fingers glide over it. Try to make generous use of massage oils, and you can use a Nuru gel or a Nuru massage oil to give your partner ultimate pleasure.
Massage everywhere!
All you need is to opt for a sensual Nuru massage in London, and you're good to go. You may gently massage the wrists, fingers, ears, back of the neck, and even the insides of elbows and knees, as these are the areas that receive the least attention. Pampering your partner via a sensual massage session is one of the best ways to make them feel loved. The best is to book a Nuru massage session from reputed massage centres and enjoy the masseuse giving you and your partner out of the world experience.
Look out for erogenous zones:
Trust the professionals to perform heavenly Nuru massages in London. Exploring your sensuality via Nuru massage is a great way to find your erogenous zones. Once you have figured out which sensations and areas feel good for you and your partner, your sexual life will be a lot better!
Follow these killer massage tips to give your partner the most sensual massage of all time!