
Sell sports cards
Looking to part with your vintage baseball card collection? Not only do you want yourcards to go to a good home, but you’re probably looking to get a pretty pennyfor them. It might seem tricky, but by planning carefully and appealing to theright market, you can easily sell your baseballcards and make a heftyprofit. Here are a few of our top tips for selling your cards online.
Look at Your Timeline
You might have vintage baseball cards from any number of decades, but thehobby as a whole has divided cards into three main categories
· Pre-War: anythingprinted before 1945
· Vintage: anythingprinted from 1946 to 1979
· Modern: anythingprinted from 1980 to today
While you may say yourcards are “vintage” as a catch-all term, determine if they’re truly vintage orif they fit better into a different category. As a general rule, vintage andpre-war cards will fetch a higher price than modern cards.
Determine the Value
This is where themoney comes in. When selling baseball cards, there are countless factors that can impactthe asking price, like:
· How scarce is thecard? Errors and variations are more valuable.
· What is the conditionof the card?
· How old is the card?
· What player is on thecard?
· Is the cardprofessionally graded?
It’s common to thinkthat all cards right out of the pack are in mint condition, but this might notbe the case. Pre-war and vintage cards were manufactured differently than cardstoday, so many of these models will have print defects or miscuts, among otherissues. These flaws are out of your control but could still impact the value ofyour baseball cardcollection.
Once you’ve determinedwhich cards are in the best condition and are worth the most, make sure tostore them safely in plastic sheets or binders. This will prevent future damageand will keep your collection safe from the elements until you get ready tosell.
Learn About Grading
Experts like SportsCard Guarantee (SGC), Beckett, and Professional Sports Authenticator (PSA) helpput values on vintage baseball card collections. These agencies use a uniform standard forcondition and will place a grade on your card. The higher the grade, the moreit’s worth.
However, before youget too eager, keep in mind that you don’t necessarily need to have your cardsgraded. The process can get expensive, so you don’t want to get all your cardsgraded if you don’t think you’ll make enough money to see a profit at the end.
Check Recent Sales
Looking throughwebsites like eBay or Craigslist can help you get an idea of what your cardmight be worth. Do a search for a specific card you have, and add conditioninformation if you can. Look at only the items that have been sold and see whatthey sold for.
When you look at theprices, don’t take them at face value. Some companies charge fees or additionalcosts. Most dealers tend to offer 50% to 60% of the recent final sales value.
Selling vintage baseball cards can seem intimidating, but with a bit ofresearch and patience, you’ll find the process rewarding and lucrative.Collectibles Investment Group is proud to be the premier location for helpingyou sell your cards and collectibles. Our team has evaluated cards andmemorabilia across countless sports, genres, and types, so no matter whatyou’ve got, we know about it! Contact us today to get your collection appraisedand to learn more about selling with us.
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