
Disabilitydevices, also known as assistive technology, is a broad term to describeassistive, rehabilitation, and adaptive devices for the disabled or elderlypopulation. These devices are often used to help those with physicaldisabilities improve their lives and the quality of their life. Mostsignificantly, these devices improve self-care for disabled individuals. Individualswith disabilities usually have difficulty doing common activities of daily lifealone or with little or no help.
Aperson with a disability can use devices to increase their independence,improve their health, or make the most of their lifestyle. Wheelchairs, adaptedwheelchairs, mobility scooters, power chairs, walking aids, and many otherdevices are available to improve the quality of life of those who have troubleusing their legs or arms. These devices allow for the freedom of movement thatmany others take for granted. Wheelchairs and other mobility devices are alsonecessary to ensure that a disabled person can take part in all areas of lifeand can live a normal and successful life in a community that may exclude themdue to their disabilities. The purchase and maintenance of these devicesrequire a great deal of time, effort, financial resources, and skill from thosecharged with caring for those who need help, such as home care agencies,medical professionals, and caregiving parents.
Thereare many different types of disabilitydevices and mobility aids.Some of these, such as mobility aids for the visually impaired, are used toincrease a disabled person's ability to see, understand, pick up items, andcomplete certain tasks. Others assist disabled people in carrying out theirdaily activities, including dressing, climbing stairs, eating, bathing, ormoving about in their homes. Still, others are designed to perform tasks thatare physically demanding yet mentally stimulating for the disabled person toperform. These devices are essential to the everyday living of disabled peoplewho rely on them to make daily living easier, more comfortable, and moreindependent
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