
Awheelchair and components are basically a chair with adjustable back wheels,intended for use when walking are impossible or difficult due to disability,old age, illness, or other factors related to age. In the US, there aremillions of Americans who use a wheelchair on a daily basis. These users needto have a wheelchair because of many reasons: physical or medical conditions thatlimit their ability to walk on their own, a disability that affects theireveryday tasks, or the fact that walking requires too much force or too muchexertion of the body. Wheelchair users can regain their independence bychoosing a suitable wheelchair. There are three types of wheelchairs that areavailable in the market: manual, power, and motorized.
Themain difference between these three types of wheelchairs is the kind of supportprovided by the chair. Manual wheelchair andcomponents provide more supportand comfort to the user than any other type. The seat depth of a manualwheelchair is further increased by using footrests or other features. On theother hand, power wheelchairs, which are more advanced than manual ones,generally lack such accessibility features.
Thethird type of wheelchair and component is the most interesting - the fullyreclining wheelchair. Some of these power wheelchairs come with an interestingfeature: they are designed to give the user the feeling of lying down whileusing the wheelchair and components. By using a remote control, the user cantilt the back wheels of the wheelchair towards the legs so that they rest onthe floor or in a comfortable position, similar to that experienced by arecliner. There are other fully reclining wheelchairs that can also be adjustedto various heights, depending on the needs of the user.
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