
Particle Therapy is a type ofexternal beam radiation for cancer therapy using fast-moving, high-energy beamsof neutral particles for cancer treatment. The most recent type of particletherapy is ion therapy. Iontophoresis involves the use of water and low-pressuresodium iodide solutions. Ion therapy can be used in various types of cancersand other health conditions. This article focuses on two types of ion therapynamely brachytherapy therapy and externally applied brachytherapy therapy.Brachethera therapy involves the use of a portable brachytherapy, usually aplastic cylinder shaped like a backpack. The patient lies on his/her back undera low-pressure stream of sodium iodide solution. The brachytherapy then fillsthe air spaces inside the patient's respiratory tract, vaporizing cancer cellsand promoting the passage of air through the lungs.
High-energy particles are used in ParticleTherapy. These high-energy particles are emitted from a beam of highenergy by a technician attached to a device called a pulsed scanner. Thesebeams enter the patient's body through the skin, through the blood, or througha hole in the patient's skull. A computer converts the internal computer datainto external beams. The pulsed scanner maps the positions of these high-energyparticles and the external beams. A treatment using a Particle Therapy machineis not unlike having a physical examination where a doctor diagnoses whatillness is based on the results of the examination. However, unlike X-raytechnology, there are no moving targets in particle therapy; thus, there isalso no scope of misdiagnosis or risk of error. When images are produced by thescanning device, the machine identifies the location and size of the tumor byproducing two-dimensional images. The location can be seen as a two-dimensionalimage by looking at a computer screen that displays three-dimensional (which isthe usual imaging procedure viewed in medical facilities). If there are noimages depicting the location of the tumor, then the doctors make theirdiagnosis based on geometric means. Therefore, even if an image reveals thatthe tumor is moving, the doctors cannot determine the exact nature of themovement.
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