
A nasal lacrimal stent is a small tube used to treatconditions like epiphora and intended for use in dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR)and congenital nasolacrimal obstruction as well. This stent is used forbicanalicular intubation. It is commonly used in traumatic canalicularlaceration repairs where the patency of the nasolacrimal duct remains intact. Thenasolacrimal intubation is a very common ailment. Song's stent is a quick anduseful option in treatment of epiphora. It is an easy and effective treatment withminimal morbidity. But the overall success rate is relatively low, especiallyin long term follow up. The main aim of this study is to identify the presenceof chronic biofilms within failing nasal lacrimal stents with postcranialimaging.
The procedure will also take the fat that may be trapped inthe tonsils and the adenoids away from the airway. In severe cases, such asthose where there is a history of respiratory conditions or of allergies, oraltracheostomy can also be performed. During the procedure, a thin, clear, soft,and transparent plastic tube, a nasal lacrimal stent is insertedinto the nasolacrimal duct. As a result of this gel, the air that is travellingthrough the nose will be more tightly sealed. The amount of gel that is usedwill be based on the patient's weight and the severity of their condition. Ifthe patient's condition is too severe for the gel to effectively seal theairways, additional procedures, such as nasal polyurethane or endoscopictracheostomy, may be required in addition to the traditional procedure.
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