
Mahindra 245 DI Orchard : Mahindra 245 DI Orchard hp is a 24 HP Tractor. The Mahindra 245 DI Orchardengine capacity is 1792 cc and has 2 Cylinders generating 1800 engine rated RPM This combination is very nice for the buyers.
How is Mahindra 245 DI Orchard best for you?
Mahindra 245 DI Orchard Tractor has Dry type Single Clutch with Mechanicalactuation, which provides smooth and easy functioning. Mahindra 245 DI Orchard steering type is HydrostaticPower Steering from which the tractor gets easy to control and fast response. The tractor has Oil immersed Brakes which provide high grip and low slippage. It has a hydraulic lifting capacity of 1000 kg and Mahindra 245 DI Orchard tractor mileage is economical in every field. These options create it sensible for implements like cultivator, rotavator, plough, planter and others. Mahindra 245 DI Orchard is 6 forward + 2 reverse.
Mahindra 245 DI Orchard is flexible in mainly used crops like wheat, rice, sugarcane etc. It has accessories like tools, hook, top link, canopy, drawbar hitch, and bumper.
Mahindra 245 DI Orchard price :
Mahindra tractor 245 DI Orchard price in India is Rs. 3.60-4.00Lakh*. Mahindra tractor 245 DI Orchard price is very affordable.
I hope you got all detailed information about Mahindra 245 DI Orchard price, specification, engine capacity etc. for more stay tuned with KhetiGaadi.
The above post is created by experts who work to provide you with everything that might help you in choosing your next tractor. Call Us Now to know more about this tractor, visit the website to compare it with other tractors, and choose the best.
Mahindra 245 DI Orchard is a 2 Cylinder engine, 24 HP tractor with rated engine RPM of 1800. Mahindra 245 DI Orchard comes with Dry type Air filter with Dual element with Dust Unloader and Mahindra 245 DI Orchard uses water cooled cooling system for best performance. Mahindra 245 DI Orchard is strong and enjoys the iconic styling in a tractor. Mahindra 245 DI Orchard fitted with Oil immersed brakes provide a longer life and require less maintenance.