Sincethe objective of postoperative lumbar disc replacement surgery is to stabilizethe patient's back posture while preserving the patient's natural mobility ofmotion and range, Artificial Disc Replacement (ADR) offers an additionaladvantage in comparison to other surgical options available for back surgery. Lumbardisc replacement devices used for this procedure allows the person to movenormally without pain and strain while retaining the full range and strength ofthe back structure. The device is tailor made to meet the requirements of everypatient, based on their spine and body type. This means that there is a greaterdegree of patient control and comfort when using this procedure compared toother procedures. Additionally, the use of a device provides better resultsthan surgery in terms of safety, quicker healing times, and minimal post-operativetrauma to the muscles, ligaments, and soft tissues surrounding the spine.
Whenit comes to lumbar ADR surgery, there are several factors that can affect theoutcome of the procedure. All of these factors must be taken into account whenmaking patient selection. In general, the more severely injured the person is,the greater the risk of poor outcomes, or even death. When looking at injuriesthat would qualify as 'severe', there are four categories that fall into thiscategory; herniated discs, pinched nerves, stenosis, and herniated discs. Inaddition to this, age and physical health are also key considerations indetermining if surgery should be performed.
Thereare four types of lumbar disc replacement that can be performed; transverse repositioning,contouring, stabilization, and traction. Each one of these has unique potentialoutcome, which must be weighed carefully with respect to the injured patient.One of the main considerations is the time frame for full motion relearning.Due to the fact that the lumbar discreplacement devices requirepatients to remain off their feet, there may be limited walking ability forsome patients in the immediate aftermath of surgery.
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