
maximum for your trade and business.
Whether it is fiat or virtual cryptocurrencies, exchanges are the place where people can buy or sell assets. Even though the traders can complete the trade within them, they need a totally safe platform where the users are verified and trustworthy. At the early stages, cryptocurrency enthusiasts believed in local bitcoin exchange clones to perform their trade. Later in the past few years, the rise of Peer to Peer Crypto exchange development paved the way for much lower trading charges and reliable trading.
Now, let’s understand all about exchanges and get through how P2P exchanges like local Bitcoin clones are distinct from the traditional ones. Then, in this article, we will go through the core features of the shamla tech’s development process!
The first and foremost thing crypto traders look for is decentralization and direct transactions without the involvement of any governing authority. You can find these qualities in a local bitcoin exchange clone script. The platform is a Peer-to-Peer cryptocurrency exchange that allows its users to trade their local currency for Bitcoins. The Local Bitcoin Script allows its users to enjoy totally free and unmonitored website that is open for people from all around the world.
What are the advantages of the Bitcoin Clone Script?
Trading business with Local Bitcoin Script is very comfortable as you can view the overall history of the trader. You can also see the rating they have on their profile. Direct communication feature provides trustworthy transactions. Also, the Local Bitcoin Script accepts more than 50 secured payment options. This allows easy and superfast transactions anytime from all around the world. When it comes to security, the platform is integrated with Escrow protection and 2-factor authentication options. The system acts as a reliable intermediate for both the buyer and seller without any issues or troubles. The 2 step verification process helps to stay away from hacking by sending the PIN to the user’s registered mobile numbers or email ids. Once the user logged in from another device or from a different browser, an email or message will be sent for verification.
The platform also holds advanced dashboard features which include,
Buyer & Seller Dashboard- The user’s Dashboard allows the buyers to log in, signup, and initiate or accept trade requests. You can also view people, advertisements, add or remove trusted members. The users can get the invoices of their trades.
Ads Dashboard- The dashboard holds the list of all open, completed, and also canceled trades.
Admin Dashboard- You can view the list of active users, overall transactions, real-time statistics, and many more that are required for an administrator.
Robust features of Local Bitcoin Script
Multicurrency support
The Bitcoin Clone Script can be customized to add various cryptocurrencies and tokens where you can buy and sell your desired digital coins suitable for your business.
Escrow wallet
The Escrow Wallet is activated as soon as the trade starts. The defined quantity of the Bitcoin or any other cryptocurrency is first transferred to an escrow wallet when the trade is initiated. Once the seller receives the payment from the buyers the held cryptocurrencies pass on to the buyer’s wallet thus ensuring utmost safety.
Two-factor authentication
We will provide two-factor authentication for buyers & sellers in the market. The 2FA is a cutting-edge technology for trading digital currencies where the user can have 2 or more Google or email authentication options making it highly secured.
Wallet development
Creating your own cryptocurrency wallet for Bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies is a safe and secure storage method and it also facilitates easier transactions. The user must give the wallet address to the other traders for receiving their cryptocurrency.
Advertisement on platform
Buyers can create an advertisement to buy or sell Bitcoins Online or Offline. This will allow the traders to promote the need to buy or sell Bitcoin or another cryptocurrency. This will enhance the trading experience and allow satisfactory business.
The Local Bitcoin Clone will be compliant with Anti Money Laundering and Know Your Customer regulations for the user’s identification. These regulations apply to many countries across the world.
Benefits of Local Bitcoin Clone
- You can set your desired or beneficial transaction fees for every trade on the platform.
- You can also earn a commission from all the transactions on your exchange based on the quantity of the cryptocurrencies traded.
- The transaction is completed only after your commission is deposited into your wallet and the buyer gets the digital currency into the wallet.
- The transactions are faster and highly secure attracting more users.
- User-friendly dashboards will allow buyers and sellers to trade with ease.
- The feedback system will allow the users to rate and write reviews about the trustworthiness of the users. It can be either positive, negative depending on the trade.
Take away
Trade with local bitcoin exchange clone script provides a competent platform to buy and sell Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies at ease. Bitcoin Escrow Script stands as the next generation cryptocurrency platform that adds value to those who want to trade cryptocurrencies locally. As a leading cryptocurrency clone script developer, shamla tech provides smart and well-tested features with escrow protection for highly secured trade. It holds a great feedback mechanism and dispute resolution process that makes trading on the platform trustworthy and comfortable. Our team of experts gets you a 100% un-encrypted source code to customize the design as per your business requirements. Get end to end solutions to launch your platform in no time at your budget.