
Latin America has seen an increase in the number of miningactivities in recent times due to an increase in the demand for metal andnon-metallic components. This in turn increase demand for Latin Americaindustrial explosives. While most countries in the region have some mineralresources, Mexico, Brazil, Peru, and Chile, account for around 85% of metal andmineral exports overall. Probably the most widely exploited metals in LatinAmerica are iron ore, gold, copper, and silver. The region covers one-sixth ofthe Earth and produces more than its share of the world’s three most importantmetals, such as iron ore, copper and the ubiquitous gold. Thus, the demand forindustrial explosives is increasing in Latin America.
Latin America industrial explosivesare used for blasting in quarrying, mining, and construction industries. Anexplosive is a reactive chemical substance, containing a significant amount ofpotential energy that can produce an explosion if suddenly released. However,the choice of industrial explosives depends upon major parameters, such assensitivity, storage life, density, water resistance, detonation pressure, andthe velocity of detonation. Industrial explosives are classified into highexplosives and blasting agents based on their cap sensitivity. An explosive issimply a material that contains an extremely high amount of kinetic energywhich is able to create an explosion when released with great force, usuallyaccompanied with the generation of high temperature, sound, light, and chemicalpressure.
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