Interventional Pain Management Market Size Share Trends Forecast 2026
Interventional Pain Management Market Size Share Trends Forecast 2026

Interventional Pain ManagementMarket: Regional Analysis

North America InterventionalPain Management Market is expected to grow drastically, owing to increasingpromotional activities by interventional pain management providers to bringawareness about interventional pain management techniques among the population.For instance, in 2016, the Center for Interventional Pain and Spine launchedits new website to bring awareness about the interventional pain managementtechniques among the population.

Increasing prevalence of chronicpain among population is expected to fuel interventional pain management marketgrowth in Europe in the near future. For instance, according to the datapublished by World Health Organization (WHO) in 2015, around 20% of the adultpopulation in Europe was suffering from chronic pain.

Interventional pain management isa technique of pain management with special procedures such as spinal cordstimulation and pain management injections. Interventional pain managementtechniques are provided by trained anesthesiologists at pain management clinicsor centers. These techniques are widely used in the treatment of various typesof pain, which includes back and neck pain, diabetic neuropathy, cancer pain,foot and ankle pain, and joint pain.

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Interventional Pain ManagementMarket: Drivers

Rising prevalence of chronic painis expected to increase the demand for interventional pain managementtechniques for its treatment, thereby fueling interventional pain managementmarket growth in the near future. For instance, according to a study publishedby the National Centre for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) in 2015, around19.6% of the individuals aged between 20 to 60 years were suffering from lowback pain worldwide.

According to a study published bythe Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in 2012, around 20.3% ofthe population in the U.S. suffer from lower back pain. As per the report ofthe American Academy of Pain Medicine (AAPM) 2012, over 100 million peoplesuffer from chronic pain, 25.8 million from diabetes, 16.3 million fromcoronary heart disease, and 11.9 million from cancer in the U.S. every year,which is expected to further increase in the near future. Moreover, in 2015,the National Institutes of Health (NIH) estimated that one in 10 people in theU.S. suffer from chronic pain. According to a study published in the BritishMedical Journal in 2016, around one-third to half of the population in the U.K.suffers from chronic pain.

Increasing establishment of newnational interventional pain management platform is expected to support growthof the global interventional pain management market over the forecast period.For instance, in February 2018, NexPhase Capital, LP acquired Gulf Coast PainInstitute, through which the company launched a new national interventionalpain management platform named Clearway Pain Solutions Institute, which willprovide interventional pain management therapies to patients suffering fromchronic pain.

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The chances of chronic pain ingeriatric population is very high. Therefore, increasing geriatric populationis expected to increase demand for interventional pain management and fuelglobal interventional pain management market growth over the forecast period.For instance, according to the data published by the United Nations PopulationFund, people aged 60 years and above accounted for 12.3% of the globalpopulation in 2015, which is expected to increase to 22% by 2050, accountingfor 2 billion people.

Increasing geriatric populationin Asia Pacific region is expected to increase the demand for interventionalpain management, which in turn is expected to drive interventional painmanagement market growth in the region. For instance, according to the datapublished by the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and thePacific (ESCAP) in 2016, Asia Pacific region constitutes around 60% of theworld’s geriatric population. It is estimated that in 2016, around 547 millionpeople were aged above 60 years in Asia Pacific region and this number isexpected to double and reach around 1.3 billion by 2050.

Interventional Pain ManagementMarket: Key Players

Key players operating in theglobal interventional pain management market include Ipsen group, AllerganPlc., Medytox Inc., Merz GmbH, Medtronic Plc., Boston Scientific Corporation,and St. Jude Medical, Inc.

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