
Intense-modulated Proton Treatment(IMPT) is a novel combination chemotherapy drug that targets low-intensitycancer cells by coupling electron-doping and proton-proton binding. The drug,named IMPT 189 (Chloroquine), binding DNA directly by an intramusculartriterpenoid ligand. The ligand, selected for its affinity to the nucleic acid,modulates the DNA transcription factor, resulting in inhibition or activationof the affected genes.
Intensity-modulatedProton Therapyis a targeted therapy, which means it is only effective if the particular massis the target of the therapy. If the patient has a primary mass, such as a bonetumor, ovarian cyst or small-intestinal stromal tumor, Intense Modulated ProtonTherapy may not be successful. Since this is the case, the Intense ModulatedProton Therapy information panel in figure 1, states, "The majority ofpatients with large tumors (over 5 cm) have been successfully treated usingthis technology". This implies that for patients with a primary mass, suchas an ovarian cyst, a biopsy of that mass is usually sufficient to determinewhether Intense Modulated Proton Therapy is indicated, and then either IMPT orBTP may be used. Intensive therapy is required if the patient is showing signsof portal vein tumor despite the presence of another portal vein tumor or inthe peritoneal cavity.
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