
In the United States,flu season occurs in the fall and winter. Generally, strains of influenza tendto last from two to four weeks before fading out. During this period, mostpeople will have no problem contracting influenza. Most flu viruses are strainspecific, which means that if a person has one type of influenza, they are lesslikely to pass it on to others.
How are flu symptomsclassified as flu? Flu seasons last about 3 weeks, starting around October andlasting until February. Symptoms will start to appear in early spring, but theycan continue to be a part of spring even after the peak of the season ends.Symptoms typically include cough, fever, chills, sore throat, headache, swollenglands, diarrhea, vomiting, irritability, fatigue, loss of appetite, dizziness,twitching, ringing in the ears, etc. Each of these symptoms last for a varyingamount of time based on the severity of the infection and the influenzatherapeutics adopted for treatment.
Although seasonal, thethreat of getting flu remains, so do ways to protect yourself. One approach in influenzatherapeutics is vaccination. Flu vaccines help prevent the spread ofinfluenza, as well as other viruses like measles and rubella. Flu vaccinationis recommended for anyone who may be susceptible, such as children, pregnantwomen, those on immune-suppressing medications, or those taking medicationsthat affect their immune system, such as cancer treatments.
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