
Infibromyalgia treatment, pain management is a very important aspect since painis part of its symptoms. To be able to handle this aspect, patients can useanalgesics such as non-steroidal (NSAIDs), hydrocodone, muscle relaxants, andopioids. These drugs should not be taken for more than 3 months at a time toavoid overdosing on them. Chronic pain during fibromyalgia treatment usuallydevelops with long-term NSAIDs which in turn increase the risk of kidney damageand in severe cases, can lead to death. Patients are also advised to avoidalcohol and other substances during fibromyalgia treatment since these mightaggravate their pain.
Anti-inflammatoriesare another favorite form of fibromyalgia treatment. These drugs help to reducepain and fever, allowing fibromyalgia patients to feel better almostimmediately. Some anti-inflammatories, however, have been known to causestomach ulcers in some patients. For these patients, a fibromyalgia treatmentplan should always include the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatorymedication.
Musclecramps are also another common symptom of fibromyalgia and can be treated withaccurate fibromyalgiatreatment. To be able to relieve this pain, patients can take musclerelaxants and anti-inflammatory medications. These medications should not betaken for more than three months to avoid overdosing on them. Other medicationsused in fibromyalgia treatment include antidepressants and anti-seizure drugs.