
In-situhybridization is the combination of two methods for producing a hybridoma, orturning a cell or tissue into a hybrid one. It can be done in any livingtissue; it is most often used to create a human embryo or cell. It can also becombined with electroporation to create a non-vascular tumor and a biopsysample from a treated cancerous site. The clinical applications of in-situhybridization depend on the tissue or cell type to be studied, the condition ofthe patient involved, the types of DNA used, the process of hybridization, andthe final result.
Theclinical applications most often occur in burn patients receiving radiationtherapy following surgery. In this, a modified DNA is injected into theaffected tissue sections with the expectation that it would replace thetargeted DNA.
Anotherexample of in-situhybridization occurs when cancer cells invade a normal tissue section in apatient's body. Because the invading cancer cells do not contain the completeset of chromosomes necessary to reproduce, they are left dormant until theappropriate circumstances occur to activate them. To achieve this, anhybridization procedure combined complementary DNA technologies (geneexpression and transcription) with molecular probes designed to control theexpression of specific genes. When the genes are induced, they stimulate theproliferation of the targeted cells and, in addition, provide the patient withincreased chances of recovery from cancer.
Thebenefits of this procedure have led to its use in numerous clinicalapplications including the treatment of spinal injuries caused by accidents,burns, mastectomy due to cancer, and neurological disorders. With theapplication of one device, the risk of additional injuries to the surroundingtissues is significantly reduced. The DNA devices used in these applicationscan accurately determine which tissues need additional care and which do not,which greatly enhances organ transplant procedures. Furthermore, with theapplication of DNA devices and the in-situ hybridization, tumors are removed ortreated using organs without affecting the adjacent healthy tissue.