
Cryotherapy has become very popularas a way for cold and viral decrease, especially after the COVid-19 globalpandemic. Reducing inflammation, enhancing metabolism and reduction of fatigueand chronic pain are among the many beneficial advantages of cryochambertherapy that will most likely continue to push the use of Europe cryochamberseverywhere around the globe. Many diseases such as chronic fatigue syndrome andFibromyalgia have responded well to the use of cryotherapy. There are numerousreports of successful clinical trials conducted with patients suffering fromcancer, arthritis, and other degenerative diseases.
Europecryochambershave been used since the year 2021. The Cryotherapy Association Europe hastaken over the regulation of the industry and is currently undergoing a processof revising the scope of applications for cryochamber therapy throughout thecontinent. The first company to introduce the procedure to the rest of Europewas Cogent Europe Limited, which is based in Solothurn, Cumbria. They were thefirst cryochamber manufacturer in Europe to produce an injection version, theC-Class, which they marketed under its own brand name, Spectra Cryo.
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