How to get rid of pigeons?
How to get rid of pigeons?
While pigeons may seem like a harmless addition to a cityscape, they can actually be quite destructive. Not only do they leave droppings all over the place, but they can also carry diseases. In order to get rid of pigeons, there are a few different methods that can be used.

While pigeons may seem like a harmless addition to a cityscape, they can actually be quite destructive. Not only do they leave droppings all over the place, but they can also carry diseases. In order to get rid of pigeons, there are a few different methods that can be used.


One way to get rid of pigeons is to install a pigeon control net. This net will prevent them from landing or roosting on buildings or other structures. There are a few different types of pigeon control nets available, and it is important to select the right one for the specific application.


Another way to get rid of pigeons is by using Pigeon Spikes. These spikes are installed on ledges and other areas where pigeons like to perch. The spikes make it difficult for the birds to land, and they will eventually move on to another location.