
Taking pictures in the correct natural light can be quite a fun experience and so is doing the same in enclosed spaces. However, when it comes to indoor photography, you need to use either just artificial light or artificial light in a combination with natural light. And this can be slightly tricky, especially in the beginning when you are just starting to experiment with photography.
In order to create stunning images, you can also arrange for a photo studio rental, if your budget allows for it. A studio rental in London can go a long way in improving the quality of one’s indoor photography as it provides for professional lighting and camera equipment and techniques. It also offers a safe space to photographers to shoot and continue working when the weather outside is not great for taking pictures.
Now, while using a photo studio space for rent in London, there are some tips and tricks that you can use in order to maximise the creative usage of place and equipment. Let’s look at some of them below:
Adding details - While shooting indoors, you can play around with lighting but there’s so much more that can be added in order to enhance the mood and theme of the photo shoot. This can be done by using some props.
Props or the correct furniture can add so much drama to the picture as a whole but be careful that they don’t take away the attention from the main character. Small props or lights can also be added in the foreground in order to create mesmerising effects and playing with the camera focus. These subtle details can augment the picture quality significantly.
Using indoor light creatively - Indoor lighting is controlled and can therefore be used in several ways to create a variety of dramatic effects. In addition to the main lights, you can utilise flash and also make use of lamps and candles that not only serve as lighting sources but also props.
Add filters or coloured paper on top of these lights to create different kinds of moods. With controlled lighting, you can even harden or soften the lights as per their aesthetics or to play with shadows.
Experimenting with wide angle lens - When a photographer is shooting outside, they may not be able to experiment with a wide angle lens as it may increase the risk of capturing undesirable clutter in the frame. However, since indoor shooting conditions are controlled one can really include as much space as is available since every corner can be propped or lit according to the desired aesthetic outcomes.
As a photographer shooting indoors, you will not have to worry about clutter or undesirable objects that may ruin your frame. Therefore, experimenting with a wide angle lens becomes much easier and fun in a photo studio hire in London.
By following the tips mentioned above, you can definitely create some stunning, impactful images. The right combination of props, lighting, backdrops and lenses can really go a long way in improving the quality and range of photographs if you decide to hire a photo studio in London.
Author Bio: Founded in 2006 by Photographer Francois Boutemy and Designer Chris Charalambous, Simulacra Studio has worked with a number of high calibre clients for more than a decade. It also organises workshops and artistic development courses to give budding photographers the best of growth opportunities in the industry. For more information on the studio and trainings imparted visit