
In this article you will be able to know how to fix Aol desktop gold won’t open issues. First of all check your internet connectivity, sometimes due to poor internet connection this issue occurred. Check the wires connected to the router not loose, unplug them then insert them again. Sometimes this issue occurred due to antivirus, so uninstall the antivirus and try to open the AOl software. Still Aol software not responding takes help from AOL experts.
In this article you will be able to know how to fix Aol desktop gold won’t open issues. First of all check your internet connectivity, sometimes due to poor internet connection this issue occurred. Check the wires connected to the router not loose, unplug them then insert them again. Sometimes this issue occurred due to antivirus, so uninstall the antivirus and try to open the AOl software. Still Aol software not responding takes help from AOL experts.