How does Avacen R2 work to Treat Fibromyalgia? A General Discussion
How does Avacen R2 work to Treat Fibromyalgia? A General Discussion
If you have plans to buy Avacen R2 machine online for treating Fibromyalgia, you need to know how the device works to treat your condition.

Fibromyalgia (FM) is regarded as one of the most common chronic pain disorders, which affect the patient's mood and sleep. The classical way of diagnosing FM is by using the tender point system. Still, treatment of FM remains pretty challenging, and the related underlying pathology still remains partially unexplored. 

Against this backdrop, the Avacen R2 machine has come in a great saviour for those having FM. The Avacen Treatment Method, which was previously called Avacen Thermal Exchange System (ATES) or the Avacen Thermal Exchange (ATEM) engages a therapeutic medical device and treatment mechanism, which manipulates or alters the AV Shunts in the palm. The system involves noninvasive infusion of heat into the entire circulatory system of the body - not just in the affected region. 

How does Avacen R2 Work?

The fundamental technology on which Avacen treatment works is heat along with negative pressure. The microprocessor-controlled chamber of the device arounds the affected region with mind negative pressure, increasing the heat. This results in an increase of the blood volume in the vascular networks, which is then transmitted to the entire body, through the circulatory system. 

Let us get to the details. 

The patient under the treatment would enclose their hand in a special patented mitt and then place it inside the vacuum chamber. Once done, the microprocessor of the Avacen R2 device, will apply negative pressure and heat to increase the volume and the temperature of the blood flowing through the veins of the area. Here heat plays a pivotal role along with negative pressure and creating the right combination is important. It must be noted that application of heat without any negative pressure is of hardly any use. 

Heat Plays a Pivotal Role

 The mainstay of treating Fibromyalgia using the Avacen R2 machine is heat. The machine infuses heat into the circulatory system, and reduces the thickness or the viscosity of the blood and increases microcirculation. When the blood is thinner, it facilitates more efficient blood flow, through the patient’s skeletal muscles en route to its journey the smaller vasodilated capillaries (a phenomenon known as microvascular circulation), which the body uses for radiating the excess ATM-produced heat into ambient air that has to be cooler. 

It gives a shot in the arm of Microcirculation

It will lead to an increase in the microcirculation, which enhances delivery of oxygen, resulting in nutrition to the skeletal muscles, thus syphoning off the toxins. This will lead to the healthier, stronger and more relaxed and more elastic, flexible muscles, not only in the affected area but over the entire body. 

How can Avacen R2 be used? 

The Avacen R2 device is a pretty straight forward device. You can buy Avacen R2 online and it is pretty user friendly. All a patient of FM has to do is to place his or her hand into the device and the treatment can start with a press of a button. The device itself will guide the patient though the entire process, by providing detailed instructions that come up on the screen. 

Depending on the treatment requirements and the treatment needs, the process takes between 20 to 40 minutes. 


So keep these points in mind if you have plans to buy an Avacen R2 machine.