
Global HemophiliaTreatment Market, by Product Type (Plasma Derived Coagulation FactorConcentrates, Recombinant Coagulation Factor Concentrates, AntifibrinolyticAgents, and Desmopressin), by Distribution Channel (Hospital Pharmacies, RetailPharmacies, and Online Pharmacies), and by Region (North America, LatinAmerica, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East, and Africa), was valued at US$11,474.3 million in 2018, and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 5.9%, over theforecast period (2019-2027).
Increasing incidence & prevalenceof hemophilia or factor VIII deficiency is expected to drive growth of thehemophilia treatment market over the forecast period. For instance, accordingto the World Federation of Hemophilia (WFH), around 440,000 people across theglobe were suffering from hemophilia, out of which around 173,000 people werediagnosed with hemophilia A or B in 2017. Major players are focused on productlaunches and approvals owing to the rising demand for hemophilia treatment. Forinstance, in March 2016, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approvedKedrion’s Koate Double Viral Inactivation (DVI) Antihemophilic Factor (human)with Mix2Vial, for treatment of factor VIII deficiency. Moreover, in May 2018,Chugai Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Roche Group launched itsanticoagulation factor IXa/X humanized biospecific monoclonalantibody/coagulation factor VIII substitute, HEMLIBRA, for routine prophylaxis,to prevent or reduce the frequency of bleeding episodes in patients withcongenital factor VIII deficiency (hemophilia A) with factor VIII inhibitors.
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Browse 35 Market Data Tables and21 Figures spread through 188 Pages and in-depth TOC on 'Hemophilia TreatmentMarket’- global forecast to 2027, by Product Type (Plasma Derived CoagulationFactor Concentrates, Recombinant Coagulation Factor Concentrates,Antifibrinolytic Agents, and Desmopressin), by Disease Indication (HemophiliaA, Hemophilia B, and Hemophilia C), and by Region (North America, LatinAmerica, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East, and Africa)'
Asia Pacific is expected to offerlucrative growth opportunities for players operating in the hemophiliatreatment market owing to the favorable regulatory scenario and guidelines bygovernment authorities, which, in turn, is expected to fuel growth of themarket over the forecast period. For instance, according to the WorldHemophilia Foundation’s 2015 report of National Tenders for Purchase ofClotting Factor Concentrates, According to the Chinese Ministry of Healthreport 2012, in China, outpatient hemophilia treatment is covered by healthinsurance schemes in more than 80% of the cities in China, with reimbursementcaps and patient co-pay requirements more than 50%. Moreover, annualreimbursement is usually capped below US$ 16,000. Moreover, several majorplayers in the market are focusing on collaborations with the aim of developingnovel therapies for factor VIII deficiency treatment, which is expected tofacilitate growth of the market over the forecast period. For instance, inAugust 2018, RCSI, a Dublin-based international health sciences institution,and Bayer AG entered a research collaboration to develop new treatment optionsfor people with severe hemophilia. Furthermore, in May 2017, SangamoTherapeutics, Inc., a genomic medicine company, and Pfizer Inc., entered aglobal collaboration and license agreement for development andcommercialization of a gene therapy-based product for treatment of hemophiliaA.
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Key Takeaways of the HemophiliaTreatment Market:
The global hemophilia treatmentmarket is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 5.9% over the forecast period owing torising incidence of hemophilia, and approvals and launch of novel products. Forinstance, according to the National Hemophilia Foundation’s 2018 report,globally one in 10,000 people are born with hemophilia A due to deficiency ofclotting factor VIII, and one in 50,000 people are born with hemophilia B dueto lack of clotting factor IX.
Among product type, the plasmaderived coagulation factor concentrates segment held a dominant position in thehemophilia treatment market in 2018 owing to cost effectiveness. For instance,according to the reports published by the World Federation of Hemophilia in2016, the demand for plasma derived coagulation factors is high compared torecombinant coagulation concentrates due to their affordability and easy availabilityin emerging economies.
Companies operating in the globalhemophilia treatment market include Takeda Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., SanofiS.A., Octapharma AG, Swedish Orphan Biovitrum AB, Baxter International Inc.,Biogen Inc., Bayer AG, CSL Behring, Ferring B.V., Pfizer, Inc., Kedrion, NovoNordisk A/S, F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG.
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