
Infertilityaffects approximately 1 in 8 couples in the United States, according toRESOLVE, the National Infertility Association. According to the National Surveyof Family Growth data published in September 2018, 15.5% of all women whointend to become pregnant are infertile and 6.7% of married women aged 15 to 44years are infertile, in the U.S. That may be why at-home fertility tests arebecoming increasingly more available.
Fertilityand pregnancy rapid test kits are easy- to-use and low complexity testingoption of female as well as male fertility. The pregnancy rapid test is anon-invasive, single step, disposable testing strip that reveals hCG levels.The hCG Pregnancy Rapid Test is a sensitive, automated test that reveals thepresence of hCG, a hormone that is secreted early in the pregnancy cycle. Thishormone stimulates the ovary to release an egg. The availability of hCGpredicts a woman's likelihood of conception by several days to a week. At-homehormone tests for women usually involve collecting a small blood sample athome, then sending it off to a lab for testing.
Fertilityand pregnancy rapid test kitsare a great option for those wanting an answer as soon as possible. A malefertility test is most commonly used to diagnose and screen for maleinfertility problems. The tests work by detecting a protein found only insperm. If a home sperm test indicates that your sperm concentration is low(negative), you'll likely want to consult a doctor for a complete fertilityevaluation. Most health centers have a specimen collection kit that can be usedfor a semen analysis or a sperm chromatin assay. But a fast and convenient wayto begin testing fertility is to conduct an at-home sperm test, which detects aspecific protein found only in sperm.
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