
Electroencephalographs are valuable tools for researchdiagnosis, especially when millisecond-range temporal resolution in requiredwhich is not possible with computerized tomography (CT) or magnetic resonanceimaging (MRI). Electroencephalography is a medical procedure or technique usedto record and interpret the electrical activity of the brain. It is a safe testwith no side effects. However, an individual with epilepsy may experience aseizure, triggered by the various stimuli used in the procedure, including theflashing lights. Electroencephalography performs first line diagnosis of stroke,tumors, and brain disorders. Electroencephalographs are also used to diagnosecoma, encephalopathies, brain death, and sleep disorders.
It is a non-invasive procedure for recording brain activitythat has proven to effectively and reliably represent the physical behavior ofthe human brain. Electroencephalographsare valuable source of information for studying the brain function on a largescale. A wide range of fields including developmental biology, cognitivescience, psychology, psychiatry, and even entertainment industries useelectroencephalographs to isolate and study certain behaviors orcharacteristics. The brain's electrical activity is shown as spikes and dips asspecific areas of the brain are activated and inhibited. This enablesresearchers to objectively view how various aspects thought process, mentalactivity, and behavior are connected to one another.
With the advent of more advanced technology, researchers nowhave the ability to obtain detailed information from as many as forty-fiveelectrodes at a time. These large scale brain scans let neurologists andpsychiatrists look into the activities of large groups of neurons at the levelof the brain. Moreover, with the help of sophisticated and reliable imagingtechniques, doctors can look into the minds and brains of patients sufferingfrom seizure and other disorders associated with abnormal brain function.
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