
When a professional cleans out your hood, it helps to minimize costly damage by removing fire hazards from the location where nearly all restaurant fires start. Cleaning the areas around fire suppression systems, as well as the fans, ducts, and hoods is part of exhaust hood cleaning.
Hood cleaners, according to fire safety experts, must take precautions to prevent putting caustic chemical compounds in the bracket where the fire suppression system's fusible connection is positioned. If grease begins to accumulate inside the pipe, specialists recommend that a fire suppression system technician be summoned to replace or completely clean all of the pipes.
Exhaust hood cleaners must also ensure that the red-colored covers on fire suppression nozzles remain intact during the cleaning process. If they are left hanging, grease will most likely accumulate and jam the nozzles. When the fire suppression system is activated, clogged nozzles may reduce the system's effectiveness to extinguish flames.
Washing such systems entails more than just adding soap, water, and effort. All of the grease that collects in a kitchen area creates a unique fire danger that must be removed using specific chemicals and high-powered instruments used by properly trained personnel.
Normal maintenance of a restaurant's kitchen exhaust system is an important part of keeping a kitchen safe from fire threats. Maintaining a system's effectiveness means that smoke and grease will be drained from the building, providing a clearer, cooler kitchen area and a more acceptable working environment for workers.
Hawaii Pro Exhaust & Wash offers the most comprehensive, certified exhaust hood cleaning services. We are a well-known commercial kitchen cleaning business, and if you are a homeowner, we can offer you the best residential power washing. Preferring us is a wise idea because we are well-known for providing excellent Oahu restaurant hood cleaning services.
In Honolulu, we provide a full power washing service as well as commercial antimicrobial cleaning. Few restaurant exhaust hood cleaning companies can compete with our quality of service. Call 1-(808) 725-4314 right now for comprehensive cleaning services.