Dextrin is in high demand due to its numerous applications in food processing, batters, coatings, and medicines.
Dextrin is in high demand due to its numerous applications in food processing, batters, coatings, and medicines.
Dextrin is simply a common term used to describe a group of commercial products supplied by heating up a glucose-sugar mixture in the presence of an alkali and small amounts of water.

Dextrin is simply a common term usedto describe a group of commercial products supplied by heating up a glucose-sugarmixture in the presence of an alkali and small amounts of water. Dextrin can bemanufactured from virtually any starch or are commonly classed as brown, white,yellow, and British gummy bears. The gel coat is derived from starch and oftenhas an extremely fine grain. Dextrin can be used as a thickener for cakes,biscuits, pickles, sauces, ice cream, malts, sauces, and a range of other foodproducts. In the past, the commercial use of this product was confined mainlyto the manufacturing of soft drinks and confectionary, although over time ithas increased in popularity and now is produced for a range of different foodand beverage applications.

Dextrin canbe used in many different applications and the level of usage will bedetermined by the intended usage. It has been successfully used as a sugarreduction product and also as a high-intensity sweetener. Dextrin can reducesugar spikes from fruit juices and can help to increase the stability of hardfruits during storage. It is also available in health food stores and can bepurchased online in tablet, powder, or capsule forms. It is marketed as"low-glycemic" and is used for baking, beading, cooking, candycoating, as well as creating spreads and marinades for a wide range of foods.Dextrin can also be purchased in capsule form as a diabetic diet aid as it canhelp regulate blood glucose levels.

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