
Dermatomeis a device that makes the application of lotions, creams, and ointments mucheasier. This device has an electronic mechanism that allows the production ofsmall collagen and elastin which is necessary for healthy and youthful skin.This process also creates micro-current that helps in the healing of brokencells and tissues. Therefore, the skin gets back its normal and glowing lookwithin no time. This device can be used for any skin type whether it is dry,oily, normal or sensitive skin. This device comes with a manual as well as aself-powered option.
Basically,there are two types of dermatome devices available in the market today. It iseither operated by hand or electronically. Below mentioned are some types ofdevices that are generally used by surgeons while performing operations on theskin.
Open System Dermatome: This type of dermaome system has no limitation ofthe direction in which the surgeon can move the needle through the skin. Thisfeature makes it useful in performing various kinds of surgical operations suchas plastic surgery, facial surgeries, craniomaxillofacial surgeries, etc. Itcan be used in any part of the body such as abdomen, face, leg, and arms. Thereare no restrictions on the direction in which the surgeon needs to move theneedle and the patient is able to recover from the surgery in a much bettercondition. The cost of operating this particular device is less than that ofother kinds of surgical instruments.
Open System Design: This is one of the major components of the dermatomedevice market. It is designed in such a way that the surgeon need notremove any tissue when removing the graft. The patient is able to recover fromthe surgery at a faster rate without any complications. This device is highlyadvantageous in comparison to low GDP income per capita.
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