
A dental air polishing unit involves the use of water,compressed air, and glycine (or sodium bicarbonate) powder to disrupt oralbiofilm and remove stain from tooth surfaces. Air polishing is a very efficientand effective way of removing worst stains from teeth, such as those caused bycoffee, tea, and red wine. Tooth polishing is a painless dental procedure, andalso removes bacteria from the surface of the teeth. A dental air polishingunit also removes unwanted plaque and biofilm, to create healthy gums. Airpolishing is gentler than traditional teeth cleaning procedures. The fine jetstream can reach in between teeth and below the gum line to provide aneffective clean without the intrusion of instruments to sensitive areas.
Air polishing is a popular method of cleaning in dentistry.Air polishing is the replacement of conventional brush techniques, which can bevery harmful due to abrasive scrubbing actions. A dental air polishing unit removesstain on tooth surfaces and abrade intact dental biofilms. Each manufacturerrecommends that patients adhere to recommended usage instructions for theproduct, and millions of dental patients continue to be treated with thisproduct each year without incident. New dental air polishing units are used forremoving stains, pigmentation, biofilm, and tartar from the teeth. The mostsignificant advantage of air polishing unit over conventional rubber-cuppolishing is it drastically reduces operator's fatigue' while polishing.
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