
What are Commercial RO Plants?
Commercial RO Plants are a form of water purification systems that aid in the separation of dissolved contaminants and harmful substances, leaving only clean water behind. This plant contributes to the large-scale production of clean drinking water and reduces the risk of water-borne diseases. These plants clean water by forcing it through membranes, making it more pure and safe for drinking purpose or other uses. Netsol Water Solutions, is one of the best Commercial RO Plant manufacturer and Industrial RO Plant manufacturer in India. We provide a wide range of Commercial RO Plants and Industrial RO Plants with capacities ranging from 50 LPH to 10,000 LPH, which can be customized as per client’s need.
Benefits of Commercial RO Plants
The following are some of the advantages of our commercial RO plants:
1: Commercial RO Plants provide purified and clean water
Our Commercial RO Plants convert toxic water into pure and safe water that can be utilized in any process as per requirement. It removes harmful ions, minerals, lead, organic matter, and other impurities from the water.
2. Commercial RO Plants save electricity
It has the ability to filter water more effectively than standard water filtration systems, resulting in lower energy and cost usage.
3. Commercial RO Plants take up little room
Our Commercial RO Plants are available in a variety of capacities, each of which requires less space to install and run.
4. Commercial RO Plants have low upkeep
These Commercial RO Plants, for the most part, require little maintenance and are straightforward to operate. When it's functioning at full capacity, the filters need to be changed and replaced. If necessary, we can pay you a visit.
5. In Commercial RO Plants, the water tastes better
The flavour of water is a personal preference; but it has been found that the water produced by our Commercial RO plants tastes better. Because the reverse osmosis process removes minerals that alter the taste of water, the water becomes fresher, clearer, and better tasting.
Applications of industrial Ro plants
We manufacture a variety of commercial RO plants that may be used in:
1: Educational establishments such as schools, colleges and universities.
2: Commercial structures, such as offices and co-working spaces.
3: Swimming pools, gyms, aquariums, water parks, and other recreational activities.
4: For municipal and domestic water treatment.
5: Commercial RO plants for malls, shopping centres, plazas, and other public areas.
6: Commercial RO plants for hotels, resorts, campers, caravans, and other businesses.
7: Commercial RO plants for cafeterias and restaurants.
8: Commercial RO plants in hospitals and dental offices.
Commercial RO Plants: Pre-treatment techniques
The purification process is only as good as the pre-treated water that feeds it. The commercial RO Membranes can be harmed by contaminants like free chlorine, calcium, and magnesium, etc.
Thus before running the Commercial RO Plants, the liberated water must first be treated with activated carbon to remove free chlorine. It must be followed by a water softener to remove calcium and magnesium.
The free chlorine in the water damages the membrane and enables the organic contaminants to pass through, if the water softener or activated carbon is not used, while the calcium and magnesium will scale-up the membrane, diminishing its efficiency.
Stages of Commercial RO Plants
In our Commercial RO plants, three, four, or five stages of filtering are used. A sediment filter and a carbon filter are included in every system, in addition to the Reverse Osmosis or RO membrane. Depending on whether the water goes through them before or after the membrane, the filters are categorized as pre-filters or post-filters.
A: 3-Stage Commercial RO Plant
It includes a pre-filter with carbon, RO membrane and a post-filter with carbon.
B: 4-Stage Commercial RO Plant
It includes a sediment filter, pre-filter with carbon, RO membrane and a post-filter with carbon.
C: 5-Stage Commercial RO Plant
It includes a sediment filter, pre-filter with carbon, activated carbon filter, RO membrane and a post-filter with carbon-polishing filter.
1: Sediment Pre-filter
Dirt, sand, rust and other tiny particles which are 15 times smaller than a grain of sand are removed by a sediment pre-filter.
2: Pre-filter with carbon
A carbon pre-filter removes contaminants like chlorine that makes water taste and smell terrible. The carbon pre-filter removes chlorine from the RO membrane to protect it.
3: Activated carbon pre-filter
It reduces further contamination and bad odour.
4: RO Membrane
The RO membrane filters out dissolved solids like radium, lead, arsenic, and other contaminants.
5: Polishing filter
These are the additional activated carbon filters. They polish the water to make it clear.
Maintenance of Commercial RO Plants
The filters for your RO Systems should be replaced on a regular basis. You must pay attention to the filter replacement schedule in the handbook provided by your Commercial RO Plant manufacturer. As you already know that our Commercial RO Plants may have three, four, or five stages, so make sure you know what filters are in each stage. You must be aware about the replacement of each filter.
Let us tell you about the maintenance schedule of your Commercial RO Plants
1: Sediment Filters
Your sediment filter should be replaced every 12 months. The purpose of this pre-filter stage is to strain away sediment, silt and dirt. This is especially significant since the sediment filter prevents debris from reaching the RO membranes because these membranes are extremely sensitive.
If the sediment filter is not changed on time, silt, dirt and other substances can get into the RO membranes. It can clog them, making them filthy. The RO membrane is the most expensive filter in the RO system; therefore, it must be safeguarded.
2: Carbon Filters
The carbon filter filters lead, pesticides, chlorine and a variety of other impurities that impair the RO membrane's performance and longevity, as well as the taste and odour of your water.
GAC filter and a carbon block filter is included in our Commercial RO Plants. Both carbon forms have high adsorption properties. The filters should be replaced every 6-12 months in a year. Both the carbon block filter and the polishing filter should be updated. The lifespan of a carbon filter is determined by how filthy or contaminated the water is. The quality of carbon, humidity and usage can all affect how long a carbon filter lasts.
3: Reverse Osmosis Membrane
The Commercial RO Plant’s semi-permeable RO membrane is designed to let water through while filtering out practically all other impurities. The RO membrane needs to be updated every two to three years if the prior sediment and carbon filters are replaced on time. The timing will, of course, vary depending on the quality of your water and your water usage.
4: Polishing Filter
A final post filter in a four-stage RO system "polishes" the water to remove any lingering flavour and odour. The last filter is a GAC (granular activated carbon) filter. The GAC filter ensures that your drinking water is of the highest quality.
What will happen if the filters are not replaced on time?
Failure to replace filters according to their replacement schedule might result in system damage as well as a reduction in water production. As a result, if you observe a reduction in water flow from your RO faucet, it's possible that your filters have reached the end of their useful life.
What is the use of High quality Commercial RO Plant?
A high-quality Commercial RO Plant can last for many years if properly maintained. In reality, we've been in business for more than a decade and have seen many RO systems endure ten to fifteen years.
Reverse osmosis, or RO, is the most effective way for removing excess salt, dissolved solvents, colours, unwanted fluids and discharges, bacteria, and other harmful substances from water. It is used almost in every sector now-a-days, including commercial, industrial, power, manufacturing, laundry, fire-fighting, recreational, gaming, municipal, etc. Our world now relies heavily on the membrane technology to fight off highly contaminated waters.
Choosing the best Commercial RO Plant manufacturer!
Netsol Water Solutions is collaborating with Government agencies to ensure that future generations will have access to safe drinking water. We've quickly risen to become India's leading Commercial RO Plant manufacturer, Industrial RO Plant manufacturer and supplier for industrial and commercial use throughout India, Ukraine, Bangladesh, Nepal, etc. We all know that water is lost during industrial and commercial settings. Thus, it needs to be filtered to make it reusable and recyclable.
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