
SocialBusiness Intelligence (SBI) is an exciting new approach to business intelligencegathered from social networks. SBI relates to the generation, publishing andanalyzing of customized business analytics dashboards and reports by end usersof cloud-based services. Social networks include Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn,FourSquare, Digg and YouTube. These services are provided by companies such asAmazon, Google, Yahoo, Salesforce, Palantir, IBM andio. In some cases, theseservices may be free for users, while at other times the data are for sale toother third parties such as those who sell analytical programs and otherproprietary information.
Thereare a number of advantages to collecting socialbusiness intelligence analytics. One of the primary benefits is theability to derive actionable insights by engaging directly with consumers inforums. By directly engaging with customers in forums, social listening dataprovides insights about consumer sentiment and brand loyalty. This type ofinsight allows a company to build campaigns based on strong consumer sentimentand brand loyalty. Another advantage is the ability to leverage the collectivepower of the cloud to deliver actionable insights and make important businessdecisions. The cloud empowers every business intelligence tool available tousers to deliver the big data analytics necessary to perform businessintelligence tasks such as finding trends, analyzing data and making criticalbusiness decisions. These tools also allow users to make the most of the everincreasing availability of the Cloud due to its many applications and low costimplementation. The trend towards the Cloud continues to accelerate as morebusinesses realize the critical need for accessing the valuable insights it provides.
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