
The silicate of cinnamic acid belongsto the innoic acid family and has cinnamic acid compounds with long and verycommon aromatic compounds. The aromatic compounds contained in cinnamic acidare believed to have some health benefits. The concentration of cinnamic acidin cinnamic acid supplements is low, thus making it easy to use and to takewithout gastrointestinal irritation. The human body produces cinnamic acid fromthe linings of the inner ear. The human nose can detect the presence ofcinnamic acid even at relatively low concentrations.
The cinnamicacid present in citrus fruits and vegetables is highly concentrated andthe natural sources are limited therefore the concentration of the substance islow. The major derivatives of cinnamic acid are used in topicalanti-carcinogens, anti-dandruff, and anti-inflammatory drugs. The increasingdemand for cinnamic acid in aromatherapy, cosmetic, pharmaceutical, medical andfood products is due to its physiological and medical properties as a weak acidpreservative, antioxidant and antimicrobial.
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