
chemical products have a large and ready market throughout USA
As the chemical industry is based on science and technology, its development is particularly important in developed countries. But now, many developing countries are also important producers of a variety of chemicals.
The global chemical industry is mainly controlled by a small number of multinational companies because they have patents on their products. The main chemical producers are the United States, Germany, China, Russia, Japan, France, India, Brazil, Italy, Poland, Belgium, Britain, etc.
The United States of America is the world's leading chemical products producer. Its output of nitric acid, soda ash and caustic soda accounts for nearly 30% to 35% of the world's output, and its output of sulfuric acid also ranks second in the world.
The factors that promote the development of American chemical industry include:
(1) The development of science and technology.
(2) The industrial development level is high.
(3) Supply of raw materials.
(4) The market is large and expanding.
(5) Financing through multinational companies.
Chemical industry centers in the United States are widely distributed. The chemical industry is most concentrated in the north of Pennsylvania, Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, Tennessee, Alabama, Virginia and other states. Some industries often need products from other chemical industries.
This interdependence or symbiosis between chemical factories forces most industrial institutions to settle in the same area. Another reason for the high concentration of these States is the existence of nearby markets, excellent transportation facilities and the availability of various raw materials around these states.
With the exception of these States, almost all have at least some chemical heat production facilities. From New York, New Jersey, Maryland to the southeastern state of Florida, the Atlantic coast accounts for more than 70% of chemical production. In recent years, the chemical industry in the southern states of the United States is developing rapidly.
New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Colorado, Kansas and Oklahoma are making progress in such a way that in a few decades, these Southern states are likely to catch up with the northeast.
Sulfuric acid is produced in many parts of the country in the United States. But the main sulfuric acid producing states are Kansas, Oklahoma, Colorado, Texas and Louisiana.
Ammonium products are produced in Kentucky, West Virginia, Tennessee and the northern states of Indiana.
Soda ash is mainly produced in Ohio, Michigan, New York, Virginia and Texas. Caustic soda and chlorine are produced in Ohio, Virginia, North Carolina and South Carolina and Georgia.
All of these heavy chemical products products have big markets all over the United States. Light chemical plants are the main buyers of these products.
The light chemical industry includes a wide range of products, from detergents, toilet products to pharmaceuticals. These products are secondary in nature, and most of them are produced by alkaline or heavy chemical products. Several multinational companies control American industry.
Some well-known international companies are now operating in the United States, such as Lihua brothers, CP and several other detergent manufacturers, as well as mesmet. Helene Curtis has dominated the international market of toilet products for decades. All of these factories are also located on the Atlantic coast to gain an export advantage.