
Cementless stems or cemented stemsare commonly used in hip replacement surgeries. Cementless stems come invarying lengths depending on the specific stem geometry. The applications andthe procedure of hip joint replacement are similar for both cemented andnon-cemented stems. The cost factor is also similar. It's just that for a hipreplacement, a larger number of joints are replaced, which requires biggercement pieces.
Research reports show that most ofthe patients requiring hip replacement surgery are experiencing delayed post-oprecoveries and post-operative care and maintenance, due to poor patientcompliance with post-operative care and poor postoperative protocol. Animportant component of these research reports suggests that cementless neckstems help in reducing the delay in recovery, post-op problems, andpost-operative maintenance and care.
Given the above, it is expected that cementlessneck stems manufacturers will experience robust demand growth, over thenext few years. Apart from this, there are several other important reasons thatcontribute to the expected demand growth in the future. Market players willalso have to face stiff competition from suppliers of similar products. Due tothe above factors, the demand for this product will likely grow faster than thesupply of this product.
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