
CathepsinInhibitors Market, by Product Type (Cathepsin S Inhibitors, Cathepsin KInhibitors, Cathepsin B Inhibitors, Cathepsin L Inhibitors, and Others), byIndication (Cancer, Traumatic Brain Injury, Ebola Infection, and Others), byDistribution Channel (Hospital Pharmacies, Retail Pharmacies, and OnlinePharmacies), and by Region (North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia Pacific,Middle East, and Africa) - Size, Share, Outlook, and Opportunity Analysis, 2018– 2026
Cathepsins are a group oflysosomal proteases (enzymes that degrades protein), found in all animals andother organisms, and perform a key role in cellular protein turnover. Cathepsinfamily includes serine proteases, aspartic proteases, and cysteine proteases.The aspartyl protease class is composed of cathepsins D and E. The cysteineprotease class comprises cathepsins B, L, H, K, S, and O. Cathepsin G includesserine protease class. Currently, there are no approved cathepsin inhibitors inthe market, however various research and development activities are underprocess for the development of novel cathepsin inhibitors for treatment ofvarious conditions such as cancer, traumatic brain injury, Ebola infection, andothers.
Cathepsin Inhibitors MarketDrivers
Various key players in the marketare conducting clinical trials to gain approval for cathepsin inhibitors, whichare under development phase and are expected to gain approval in the nearfuture.
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For instance, Merck Sharp &Dohme Corp.’s product, Odanacatib, also known as MK-0822, is under Phase 2clinical trial. MK-0822 is a cathepsin K inhibitor under development for the treatmentof postmenopausal women with osteoporosis. Hence, presence of novel products inthe pipeline is expected to significantly support growth of the cathepsininhibitors market during the forecast period.
Furthermore, high prevalence ofdiseases for which cathepsin inhibitors are being developed may rise demand for such novel treatmentapproaches in the near future. For instance, according to the data published byCenters of Disease Control and Prevention in 2017, traumatic brain injury (TBI)is a major cause of death and disability in the U.S. TBIs contribute to about30% of all injury deaths. 153 people in the U.S. die per day, from injuriesthat include TBI.
Cathepsin Inhibitors MarketRegional Analysis
North America cathepsininhibitors market is expected to hold a dominant position in the globalcathepsin inhibitors market, owing to the high prevalence of disease such ascancer, which will increase demand for novel cancer treatment approaches suchas cathepsin inhibitors in region.
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For instance, according to thedata published by National Cancer Institute, it was estimated that in 2018,around 1,735,350 new cases of cancer will be diagnosed in the U.S. and around609,640 people will die from the disease.
Europe cathepsin inhibitorsmarket is also expected to show a significant growth during the forecastperiod, owing to frequent research and development activities by key playersfor the development of new cathepsin inhibitors in the region. For instance, F.Hoffmann-La Roche AG, a Switzerland-based pharmaceutical company, is developingRO5459072, a cathepsin S inhibitor, on the immune response to a glutenchallenge in volunteers with celiac disease.
Cathepsin Inhibitors Market KeyPlayers
Key players operating in globalcathepsin inhibitors market include F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG, Merck Sharp &Dohme Corp., Virobay Inc., LEO Pharma, and others.
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