
A cooling tower cools air from a hightemperature so it can be circulated into the plant or other places where thetemperature is lower. An evaporator can only do the reverse - it takes warm airfrom a high temperature and changes it to cool air. The differences between thetwo are not very significant, and both are needed to keep nuclear power plantsrunning efficiently.
The two cooling towers that are mostoften confused with each other are the geothermal and the evaporative coolingtowers. A geothermal tower takes the heat from the ground and moves itto the surface. A geothermal tower only has one pipe in it; however, the pipesare buried deep into the ground under a lot of pressure so they will not crack.This pressure makes them very efficient and effective at cooling large areas ofland. Evaporative cooling towers use a different method. Instead of taking theheat from the earth's surface, they take the heat from the environment and pumpit into the tower.
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