
Butyraldehyde or alternativelyButyryl is a famous natural product whose chemical formula is C 4 H 10 OQ10 (H)- (2-Methylenediamine), also known as Butyraldehyde. It is usually formed inthe kidneys, liver, central nervous system, and other body tissues by thereaction between an acid and an amino acid. For example, the reaction between L-glutamate, and Butyraldehyde produces a compound called glutamic acid. Infact, Butyraldehyde is one of the simplest organic acids.
Butyraldehyde finds its applications as anoxidizing agent in cosmetics, as an antiseptic, as a stabilizer forrubber-based products, as an antifungal agent, and in the production ofn-butanol. It is also used as an absorber for gasoline and diesel and as anoxidizing agent in photo-candy products. Furthermore, some derivatives ofButyraldehyde are used as food additives in the United States, such as ButyraldehydeBlack and Butyraldehyde Blue.
Food applications of Butyraldehydehave opened new vistas for their usage as an oxidizing agent in thepharmaceutical, cosmetic, and petrochemical industries. As synthetic resins,Butyraldehyde behaves like the lipophilic alkaline salts of propionate andhydroxide with a base that is substituted by butyraldehyde. The absorption andmetabolic activities of Butyraldehyde are similar to that of fatty acidaliphatic esters.
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