
Bio-engineeredStents are used in the external plugging of the abdominal aorta to avoiddecompression of the abdominal aortic valve during surgical procedures. Theyhelp prevent aortic stenosis and/or stenosis ventricle from developing into amore serious condition called patent ductus arteriosus. A bio-engineeredventricular implant, also known as a cadaver plug is made from human heartcells (myocytes) taken from the body of a dead person. The aortic valve can bereadily and painlessly removed from the body when death occurs. In this way,the patient does not need to suffer from the heart conditions associated withsuch surgery.
Itis the only minimally invasive, FDA-approved minimally invasive technology toeliminate the need for surgical decompression of the heart. It has been provento improve survival and quality of life in patients suffering from myocardialinfarction, ischaemic cardiac arrest, and ventricular tachycardia. Abio-engineered plug can be used immediately following a carotid arteryectomy, pericardialinfarction, coronary artery bypass, and percutaneous vasculopahageal lasersurgery (CAL). It has been proven effective for the treatment of patients withpatent ductus arteriosus and verrucae gravidarum. Patients are placed undergeneral or local anesthesia and tested within one to two hours.
Thereare three types of bio-engineeredstents: standardmicro-pneumatic, sclerometric, and ultrasound. The micro-pneumatic applicationtype of bio stent is applied directly through the skin. This is considered tobe the safest method of application. The sclerometric application type is usedwhen a needle is inserted into a pocket but is not designed to prevent bloodclots. Ultrasound is used for a more invasive approach that is not alwaysrecommended by physicians.
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