
Annapurna College of Film and Media, Hyderabad, in efforts to make classes online engaging and meaningful, organised an online masterclass for students with renowned film editor Mr. Sreekar Prasad. Sharing anecdotes and experiences from award-winning films he has edited, Mr. Sreekar Prasad interacted with students.
Editing is the art of influencing the story of a film through a host of perspectives – the pace,order, quantum of information given to the audience and capturing of human feelings to name some. This was an exclusive masterclass for the students of Annapurna college film editing course. Students who attended had glimpses from the master on various topics followed by a question and answer session to gain more insights.
Key takeaways from the masterclass were regarding the change in film editing over the years, the importance of film editing in the conventional flow of filmmaking, the importance of an editor; myths and misconceptions about film editing,challenges in showcasing the same scene multiple times from different perspectives, and last but not least, the importance of getting a formal education in film editing, for any aspiring editor.
Sharing tips and tricks of the trade with Annapurna College students, Mr. Sreekar Prasadre collected his journey in the industry that began with the first step of being mesmerised when introduced to the film editing. He continues mesmerising till today and that’s his secret.