
Radio test sets are used to repair, upgrade, and maintain radiosystems operating in different frequency band. These sets are widely used inaerospace, transportation, private security, fire, police, military,industrial, and other commercial sectors due to its various advantages such ascompact design, lightweight, low calibration costs, and low maintenance costs.Radio test sets are of two types, such as analog and digital radio test set.These sets provide secure and reliable radio communications that can be used totest various technologies such as next-generation digital narrowband, digitalmobile radio, digital private mobile radio, project 25, terrestrial trunked radio,analog, digital and others.
Moreover, radio test sets are configured with radiofrequency (RF) and alternative frequency (AF) generators, and both RF and AF analyzersare coupled with frequency meter, modulation meter, advance feature interfaces,and others. The main purpose of radio equipment testing is to protect the radiospectrum from unwanted signal interference. RF technology can be used to sendsignals. Most of these RF signal transfer devices are called transceivers.These include antenna tuners, RF receivers, transmitters, and modems. Anauto-test is a device used to test and monitor the sensitivity and performanceof a radio. This is usually done with an analog radiotest set or an analog radio frequency test set.
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